After-Loss Support

After a death, you may feel inundated with tasks. I will make sure everything gets done, so you have room to grieve. You don’t have to go through this alone.

For Executors, Administrators, Personal Representatives, or other authorized representatives, I provide a range of support depending on your needs.

Concierge ($75/ hour)

  • Comprehensive review of loved one’s estate*

  • Provide a customized, prioritized plan of all required tasks based on review

  • Referrals to professionals to help closeout an estate**

  • Help making calls and completing forms, including complimentary notary services

  • Help cancelling, transferring, or memorializing accounts, subscriptions, and memberships

  • Ensure important paperwork is in order

  • Serve as project manager for estate cleanouts***

  • Additional custom research and tasks as needed

  • Regular status reports and accountability meetings

  • Up to 6-months of dedicated support

Coach ($800)

  • Comprehensive review of loved one’s estate*

  • Provide a customized, prioritized plan of all required tasks based on review

  • Referrals to professionals to help closeout an estate**

  • Tools and information to help settle an estate

  • Bi-weekly accountability meetings

  • 90-days of dedicated support

Advisor ($400)

  • Up to 2-hour consultation to assess needs and identify issues

  • Preparation of a follow-up report with a step-by-step plan of action based on consultation

  • Referrals to professionals to help closeout an estate**

  • Tools and information to help settle an estate

Additional post-package support available at $75/ hour

* Includes real property, personal property, bank accounts, credit cards, utilities, investments, annuities, retirement funds, etc.

** Includes attorneys, financial advisors, realtors, estate liquidators, appraisers, moving companies, etc.

*** Includes sourcing and hiring vendors (i.e., estate sale companies, appraisers, movers, donations, and/or junk removal services) and overseeing work