End-of-Life Planning

Whether you’ve received a terminal diagnosis or are simply ready get your affairs in order, I will help you get everything organized.

I offer a range of end-of-life support to meet your specific needs.

Comprehensive ($1,250)

  • End-of-Life Plan*

  • Audit of Important Documents**

  • Digital or Physical Document Organization

  • Letters of Instruction for Executor/ Trustee

  • Body Disposition Arrangements

  • Celebration of Life Planning

  • Personal Property Allocation

  • Legacy Project Management

  • Personalized Research & Referrals

  • Eleven 1:1 Sessions

Enhanced ($1,000)

  • End-of-Life Plan*

  • Audit of Important Documents**

  • Digital or Physical Document Organization

  • Letters of Instruction for Executor/ Trustee

  • Personalized Research & Referrals

  • Seven 1:1 Sessions

Basic ($700)

  • End-of-Life Plan*

  • Personalized Research & Referrals

  • Five 1:1 Sessions

* Includes: Instructions for what you want to have happen in the days and weeks leading up to your death, your desired body disposition, and plans for your memorial. The plan also captures your reflections on your life and how you wish to prioritize your time with loved ones in the remaining days of your life.

** Includes: Advance Directives, Power of Attorney, MOST/POLST, Real Property, Personal Property, Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, Investments, Annuities, Retirement Funds, Utilities, Memberships & Subscriptions

Additional post-package support is available at $75/hour