End-of-Life Planning
Whether you’ve received a terminal diagnosis or are simply ready get your affairs in order, I will help you get everything organized.
I offer a range of end-of-life support to meet your specific needs.
Who we help
Those working on their estate plans and who want to get their affairs in order.
Those facing a terminal illness or nearing the end of their life who want to ease the burden for their loved ones and families.
How we help
End-of-Life Plan: Over five one-on-one sessions, we will prepare a written plan with your end-of-life wishes to share with your loved ones. Each plan contains instructions for what you want to happen in the days and weeks leading up to your death, your desired body disposition, and plans for your memorial. The plan also captures your reflections on your life and how you wish to prioritize your time with loved ones in your remaining days.
Important Documents & Account Organization: We will review and organize all your important documents, ensuring everything is in order and up to date. This includes Wills, Advance Directives, Power of Attorney, MOST/POLST, Real and Personal Property, Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, Investments, Annuities, Retirement Funds, Utilities, Memberships & Subscriptions. All these documents will be organized in a physical folder or digital vault, and we will prepare instructions for your Executor or Trustee to follow after your death.
Body Disposition Arrangements: Based on your wishes, we will make all necessary pre-arrangements for your body disposition.
Celebration of Life Planning: Based on your wishes, we will make any pre-arrangements for your memorial and prepare instructions for your loved ones.
Personal Property Assessment & Allocation: We will arrange to have significant personal property assessed and work with you to allocate key possessions to those your love.
Legacy Project Management: A legacy project is a piece of work that someone completes to leave behind after they die. Whether it’s a photobook, a set of letters, a cookbook, or something else, we will help you put this together to leave for your loved ones
I charge by the hour or by the project, based upon a discussion with you about what you need. While